Are you ready to work on your goals and to lead a healthy, fulfilling life? Marge and I are fully in, committing to play full out on our own fitness and health and to help as many people worldwide as we can.
Along with our growing international team of Team Beachbody Coaches, we invite everyone to take a serious look at their health and fitness, and even their happiness with their current life state.
We know that just as exercise and good nutrition are essential for fitness and health, work on personal development is an essential part of leading a fulfilling life.
Let's work on all of the above together and together we can set a goal to make the world a better place, with no one left behind.
What a great way to get ready to kick off a new year!
As Marge and I prepare for 2015, we are extremely pleased to introduce our new blog with a new look. We are combining previous individual blogs and Facebook pages, Bruce's Youtube channel and Pinterest page, and upcoming Instagram and Pinterest accounts to involve and engage as many people as we can in our mission.
And what is our mission? Well, it's one of the reasons we are crazy about and committed to Team Beachbody, because we share the same mission with that wonderful billion dollar company.
Our mission is to help people worldwide achieve their goals and live healthy, fulfilling lives.
So how about you? Are you in? Want to join us? We'd love to talk with you about your personal health and fitness goals and, maybe, if it's appropriate, maybe talk with you about what it means to be a Team Beachbody Coach as well.
In fitness and health,