Pay It Forward Fitness and Health: About Us

About Us

Marge and Bruce Brown, that would be us, are successful Team Beachbody Coaches. We joined Team Beachbody as Independent Distributors in early 2011 and have built an international team of approximately 1,450 customers and 150 Coaches.

Now, with imminent further international Team Beachbody expansion we are relaunching and retooling our websites, blogs, social media presence. Some of the sites will precede others of course, but we've already launched this new blog and a new Facebook page. Our plan is to have all channels ready for this new focus by the end of Q1 2015.

This relaunch process is the first step of a five year business plan to grow our team massively over the next years, with a goal of 15,000 Coaches by the end of 2019 - or sooner!

Marge and I have both had such great results in our personal transformations of weight, fitness, and health with Beachbody programs and products we are totally motivated to share with others. We also love being Team Beachbody Coaches with the company emphasis on being "solvers", not "sellers" and combining personal development along with nutrition and exercise so that not only can we benefit but we can also pay it forward to help others with their own transformations.

We invite you to contact us at anytime.

Marge: 910-431-1508,
Bruce: 910-297-8753,