Pay It Forward Fitness and Health: December 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

You Gotta Have Goals

As we start the last day of 2014, it's a great time to talk about goals. Lots of people focus on making New Year's Resolutions or choosing three words for the new year, and those are both fun, sometimes helpful exercises, but without goals the best resolutions can quickly fade and the most powerful personal theme words soon lose their strength.

So let's get into goals just a bit.

Well, I really wasn't thinking about football goals, although they are meaningful for two reasons. One, of course for many people New Years day is a great football day. Two, however, a bit more on point, is that a football goal post is a super example of a measurable goal (one of the five characteristics of a good goal - we'll get to that in a bit). When a kicker attempts a field goal on the football field, everyone knows immediately if the kick is successful - it's a clearly, exactly measurable event. 

So if you want change in your life, for the new year or just you truly feel the need to change, and whether that change is an increase or decrease or a whole new path, if you don't have goals, your chances of success are severely limited.

What makes a good goal? Many folks insist on S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. If your goals lack any of the five aspects you may be just wasting your time.

For example, a goal statement of "I want to be happier" is way too vague and not measurable. Happiness isn't really a goal anyway, it's a state of being - a goal might relate to a specific activity that you know makes you happy. For example, the goal "This year I want to attend two plays a month" is not only specific but for many people it could also meet the other four criteria of S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Since our focus is fitness and health, examples of S.M.A.R.T. goals could be:

  • I will release 20 pounds by June 30
  • I will walk my dog two miles a day five or more days a week
  • I will substitute raw almonds for candy bars as my afternoon snack and only have dessert after dinner once a week.
So S.M.A.R.T. goals can help you actually reach the success you desire.

And one more tip? Write down your goals and put them somewhere prominent so you can see them often.

Once you have a list of goals, or even one super-important goal, another technique is to create a vision board, aka dream board. The visibility and impact of a personally created vision board can be very powerful. Marge and I wrote a book about creating vision boards and we'd love for you to have a free copy. Just fill out the form at the top right of this blog and we'll email you a link to download a PDF copy of Create Your Powerful Vision Board - 10 Steps to Success. 

Have fun with your goals, make them powerful. And if you create a vision board, we'd love to see a photo.

Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Buddy Up!

How many times have you started a new fitness or weight loss program with a lot of energy and strong intent, only to end up quitting because you really had nobody but yourself to stay accountable to? I know I have.

If it weren't for my husband being my Accountability Buddy during my 20-pound weight loss journey, I wouldn't have made my goal. So do yourself a favor, and get an Accountability Buddy to ensure you meet your fitness goal.

Getting an Accountability Buddy during your weight loss program can be like having a personal GPS to keep you on course! Most people cannot achieve their weight loss goal as lone rangers.  You might have to reach out to someone beyond your household who shares your desire to adopt a wellness-based lifestyle.
Your commitment to daily workouts and improved nutrition can be challenging to maintain on your own, especially when no one is watching or cheering you to the finish line!
Here’s the definition of what it means to “Buddy Up” with someone.
  1. to become friendly; be on friendly or intimate terms
  2. to work closely together
Identify at least three possible candidates to be your Accountability Buddy during your weight loss journey. Contact each person and let them know about your commitment to change your lifestyle and find out if the time is right for them to do the same.
Once you’ve found your Accountability Buddy, the two of you need to decide how you will best support each other, how and when you’ll communicate, and what your expectations are for helping each other stay on track.
For example, you and your Accountability Buddy might decide to start each day with a phone call, text, or e-mail announcing the start and end time of your workouts. You can exchange photos of each other at the beginning, during, and at the end of your respective weight loss journeys. You could also send cards or make audio and/or video tapes of encouragement for your Accountability Buddy to use when you can’t make a live connection.
Use these four questions to help you and your Accountability Buddy communicate clearly:
  1. What’s working?
  2. What’s not working?
  3. Where do I need support?
  4. What’s my commitment until the next time we communicate?
You’ll be amazed at the positive energy you can create with a strong Accountability Buddy!

Team Beachbody Coaches like us make fabulous buddies. We're ready and willing to help you achieve your fitness goals.  You can start by joining our free Facebook group called "Fitness and Health Group" and/or join our free Team Beachbody Club for access to an online workout scheduler and tracker and a huge online community of workout buddies.

We're glad we're in this together! 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Your Success is in Your Cards

Perhaps you’ve already started to think about your New Year’s Resolutions. Most people have fitness and health goals on their list, such as losing weight or running a race. Do you want to beat the odds and stick to your resolutions? Here’s a sure fire way to help keep you on track with all your resolutions by letting your subconscious know that you’re not a quitter. This method involves going back in time – looking in your rear view mirror.

Get 100 blank 3 x 5-inch index cards and divide them into two packs of 50 cards each. On the unlined side of each card write a past success from any time in your life. I hope you’ll find, like I did, that you have a string of impressive successes to use for this exercise. Include your accomplishments in school, in your career, in a sport, with a hobby, as a volunteer, or a family member, for example. 

My two cards decks filled up fast. My past successes include such things as learning to swim and traveling to Cabo San Lucas. Just enter a few words on each card to jog your memory and allow the positive emotions related to each success to flood over you. 

For example, when the card labeled, “Learned to Swim” flashes by, I see myself hopping on my bicycle at age eight and pedaling to the outside pool in Lakewood Park in Lakewood, OH, for early morning swimming lessons. The air is cold and water is freezing, but I’m determined to advance from Dolphin to Fish to Flying Fish and show my whole family how I can dive off the high diving board. I was persistent, enthusiastic, driven, focused, coachable, athletic, and independent during those brisk summer mornings. Do you think those qualities helped me later in life? You bet!

Many years later, when I traveled to Cabo San Lucas from North Carolina, I went alone to meet my brother and his family. Due to an unexpected traffic jam, I missed my flight and had to spend the night in Raleigh, North Carolina, rebook my flights, and go the following day. I persevered and went on an amazing adventure by myself. I had a lot of fun with my relatives and enjoyed the rest and relaxation at the beach.

Once you complete the entries on your 100 cards, put the 2 decks in different locations where you can grab them for a few minutes during the day, flip through them, shuffle, them, and replace them for the next review. I keep mine in the kitchen and at my bedside; one of the last things I think about at night is my life filled with successes.

This simple exercise will bolster your self-confidence to stick to your resolutions because you’re continually feeding your mind the message that you complete things and travel the road of success.

Happy New Year!